Can Rabbits Eat Celery?

Rabbits Eat Celery

Can Rabbits Eat Celery? Rabbits are known for their love of fresh vegetables, but as pet owners, it’s essential to ensure that the foods we provide are both safe and healthy for them. Celery, a common household vegetable, often raises questions among rabbit owners. Can rabbits eat celery, and if so, how much is safe?

Can Rabbits Eat Celery?

The short answer is yes, rabbits can eat celery. However, like many other vegetables, celery must be introduced into a rabbit’s diet carefully and in moderation. Celery offers certain nutritional benefits, but it can also present some risks if not prepared or portioned correctly. In this guide, we will explore the proper way to feed celery to rabbits, its benefits, and any potential concerns.

Nutritional Value of Celery for Rabbits

Celery is rich in water content and provides fiber, vitamins, and minerals that can complement a rabbit’s diet. Here’s a breakdown of the nutritional content of celery that can benefit rabbits:

Nutrient Amount per 100g Benefits for Rabbits
Water 95.43g Helps keep your rabbit hydrated
Fiber 1.6g Aids in digestion and helps prevent gastrointestinal issues
Vitamin K 29.3mcg Supports bone health and blood clotting
Vitamin C 3.1mg Supports immune function (though not a major requirement)
Potassium 260mg Supports heart health and muscle function

Rabbits Eating Celery

How to Safely Prepare Celery for Your Rabbit

Before adding celery to your rabbit’s diet, it is important to know how to properly prepare it. The stringy texture of celery can pose a choking hazard or cause digestive issues if not handled correctly.

  • Wash the Celery

    : Always wash celery thoroughly to remove any pesticides or dirt that may be harmful to your rabbit.

  • Cut into Small Pieces

    : The stringy fibers in celery can be tough for rabbits to digest. It’s best to cut celery into small pieces, ensuring the strings are also cut short to prevent choking.

  • Introduce Slowly

    : When adding celery to your rabbit’s diet for the first time, introduce it slowly and monitor for any adverse reactions such as diarrhea or digestive upset.

Benefits of Feeding Celery to Rabbits

While celery should not be a staple in your rabbit’s diet, it can offer some notable benefits when given occasionally.

  • Low in Calories

    : Celery is low in calories, making it a great snack for rabbits without the risk of weight gain.

  • High in Fiber

    : Fiber is crucial for maintaining a healthy digestive system in rabbits. Celery can help improve gut motility, reducing the risk of issues like GI stasis.

  • Hydration

    : The high water content in celery can aid in keeping rabbits hydrated, especially during warmer months.

How Much Celery Should Rabbits Eat?

Rabbits have sensitive digestive systems, so it’s essential to feed celery in moderation. A small piece of celery, about the size of a matchstick, is an ideal serving size for adult rabbits. Young rabbits (under 12 weeks) should not be fed celery, as their digestive systems are still developing.

  • Adult Rabbits

    : 1-2 small pieces of celery, 2-3 times a week.

  • Baby Rabbits

    : Avoid feeding celery to baby rabbits until they are fully weaned and over 12 weeks of age.

Risks of Overfeeding Celery to Rabbits

While celery can be a healthy addition to your rabbit’s diet, overfeeding it may lead to complications. Here are some risks to be aware of:

  • Diarrhea

    : Rabbits can develop diarrhea if they consume too much watery or fibrous food like celery.

  • Choking Hazard

    : The stringy fibers in celery can get lodged in your rabbit’s throat or digestive system if not properly prepared.

  • Digestive Imbalance

    : Too much celery can disrupt the delicate balance of your rabbit’s gut flora, potentially leading to gastrointestinal issues.

Rabbits Eat Celery

Other Vegetables for Rabbits

If your rabbit isn’t a fan of celery, or you want to offer more variety in their diet, there are other safe vegetables to consider. Some of these include:

  • Romaine Lettuce

    : A safe leafy green with high water content and low calories.

  • Kale

    : Packed with vitamins, kale is a nutritious choice, but should be given in moderation due to its calcium content.

  • Bell Peppers

    : Another crunchy vegetable, rich in vitamins C and A, and low in calories.

  • Cucumbers

    : A hydrating option for rabbits, though they should be given sparingly as they can cause digestive upset if overfed.

  • Carrot Tops

    : While rabbits may enjoy the occasional carrot, the greens are a healthier and less sugary choice.

Can Rabbits Eat Celery Leaves?

Yes, rabbits can eat celery leaves. The leaves are rich in nutrients and can be a great addition to your rabbit’s diet. However, like the stalks, celery leaves should be washed thoroughly and fed in moderation to avoid digestive issues.


  1. Can rabbits eat celery every day?

    No, rabbits should not eat celery every day. It is best to offer celery as an occasional treat, 2-3 times a week in small quantities to avoid digestive issues.

  2. Can baby rabbits eat celery?

    Baby rabbits should not be fed celery until they are fully weaned and over 12 weeks old. Introducing celery too early can upset their developing digestive systems.

  3. How should I introduce celery to my rabbit’s diet?

    Start by offering a small piece of celery and observe your rabbit’s reaction. If they show no signs of digestive upset, you can gradually increase the amount over time.

  4. Can celery cause diarrhea in rabbits?

    Yes, overfeeding celery can lead to diarrhea due to its high water content. Always offer celery in moderation to avoid upsetting your rabbit’s digestive system.

  5. Are celery leaves safe for rabbits?

    Yes, celery leaves are safe for rabbits to eat. Just like the stalks, they should be washed and fed in moderation.

  6. What should I do if my rabbit has an adverse reaction to celery?

    If your rabbit shows signs of diarrhea or discomfort after eating celery, stop feeding it immediately and consult a veterinarian if the symptoms persist.

  7. Can I mix celery with other vegetables in my rabbit’s diet?

    Yes, celery can be mixed with other vegetables to provide variety in your rabbit’s diet. Always introduce new foods gradually to avoid overwhelming your rabbit’s digestive system.


Celery can be a healthy and hydrating treat for rabbits when offered in moderation. Always prepare it properly by cutting it into small pieces and monitoring your rabbit for any signs of digestive distress. A balanced diet with a variety of vegetables, hay, and fresh water is key to keeping your rabbit healthy and happy.

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